ECDC Butterfly Home
There are children in Nepal growing up in prison, living with their incarcerated mothers. These children are living out their young lives without educational opportunities, warm clothing, proper nutrition or medical care.
Without hope. These children are suffering.
When a woman is incarcerated in Nepal and has no one willing to care for her children, she must choose: Send them out to live on the streets or bring them to the prison with her. Many choose to bring their children to prison. Children growing up in the confines of jail cells do not have access to education, proper nutrition, warm clothing, and medical care, and are vulnerable to physical, emotional, and psychological abuse.
Living out their young lives behind bars, these children are suffering.
Pushpa Basnet (2012 CNN Hero & 2016 CNN Super Hero) and her team at ECDC will not stand by silently and watch these children suffer.
Working closely with government officials, prison administrators, and incarcerated women, the ECDC team provides nutritional supplements for pregnant and nursing women, newborn kits and toys for babies, and relocates children from jail cells to a welcoming, supportive community at the Butterfly Home until they can be reunited with their mothers.
ECDC works in 34 prisons across Nepal. Currently, forty-three children are living at the Butterfly Home, thriving in its warm, loving family environment. The ECDC team welcomes your interest!
We hope that you will join us in helping these children live joyful lives to their fullest potential.
To learn more about ECDC/the Butterfly Home, go to http://ecdcnepal.org. To help provide necessities to the children and assist the rebuilding of the Butterfly House, click below to donate.
What We Believe
We believe that every child deserve a loving home.
We believe that innocent children should not grow up behind bars.
We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to fulfill the promise of their lives.
We believe that we are responsible for making this happen.
In 2012, CNN named Pushpa their Hero of the Year for her passionate and inspiring work developing the ECDC/Butterfly Home.